Saturday, 5 march 2011.

It's been a day after my mom surgery. She's doing well right now. But it s sad to see her in pain after the surgery. Seldom i watch my family in pain, and i really hate it whenever it happens.
But i think everything s gonna be alright, insyaallah. After all, my mom is one of the strongest mom ever.
yesterday, my dad cancelled a big meeting with his boss. twas so big, that his boss came all over from United States to discuss a new bio project with him and a few more of his fellow friends. But family comes first. He cancelled the meeting and came to Hospital Kuala Lumpur ASAP after my mom is out of the OT room.

Funny thing. My dad ask a doctor that came in to check my mom yesterday. Is this like, a major surgery that may have lots of complicatance? the first doctor, a lady, said that no worries, as this s just a minor surgery. After around 15 minutes later, another doctor came in. a guy. and my dad, deliberately ask the same question again to the doctor.
This time, the doctor said, this is a major surgery, but dont worry, for now everything looks fine.LOL.
my dad LOL'ed and said to us, this is why we only ask and trust the doctor who really DID the surgery. Dont just go and ask some random doctors that walk around.
After a few minutes, my aunt came. She's a pathologist at this hospital. She helps alot. I mean alot. we even used her name to get in my mom's ward at restricted time. its easy to have one of the family members as a doctor. *WINK WINK*

lets hope my wife s a doctor too ;)

anyway. I m really surprised to see how persistence the nurses are here. Whenever i needed anything, i just press the 'call the nurse' button. Even when i want to raise the bed higher.LOL.pwn3d. But damn they come whenever i pressed that button. Even at 3 am. Its not really an awe, as all nurses at all hospitals are like that. But still, personally i am amazed. Ok what the hell. Im in my mom's ward now, and a nurse just came in and told us that 'MAYBE' my mom can go home by this evening, as this is just a minor operation. LOL =.=
Again, what the hell is going on with nurses and doctors giving different opinion?

Anyway, i dont like to tell my personal stories in my blog. i only give general information. ( yeah right {-__-} ) \.

heres one fact : painkillers isnt really effective. mom keeps getting panadol, painkiller pills, enjection. But none of em seems super effective. Well they manage to ease my mom's pain for few hours, but lesser time than it should be.

I am now at HKL ( Hospital Kuala Lumpur ). well theres only 1 thing i have to say about this place. PUBLIC TOILETS SUCK. Should be better like its name. I mean, this is one of the major government hospital in Malaysia. Its in Kuala Lumpur, capital city of Malaysia for god sake. They shouldnt abandon small details about this hospital such as vending machines and pub toilets. Frankly, i rather pee behind the building than in the public toilets. But, i have to praise the surau. For me, its quite convinient and fairly spacious. The convinient stores here are also okay. But put a 24 hours store to get more salutation from me. ;)

I have no comment about HKL's parking sites. Its not that bad. But its not that good either.

By the way, my mom is not the only one whose not well here.

fyi, i have Bell's pausy. Or is it Palsy. Its a desease that weaken my whole left face nerves. I now can only smile with half of my face. I even blink with only my right eye ( but didnt realize that until yesterday ). But this is not a major desease, eventho it sounds like one. I ll be okay around 2 3 weeks later, after taking some steroids, vitamins, and painkillers. YEAH. STEROIDS. How cool am i? i mean, i have steroids in my pocket. DO YOU? ;)
anyway its just white pills with a size of half of panadol. Nothing special. I was thinking that it ll be more like, you know. Big pills, with a letter S on it. maybe black or brown in colour. yeah quite dissapointed with the look of the steroids.

Why the hell am i talking about steroids.

Anyway this Bell's Spalsy desease is not contagious. So dont worry guys -__-
The cause of this desease is unknown. Thats what my doctor said. But some of the cases are caused by viral infection (which i think the cause for mine). I was all scared when the doctor said something wrong with my nerves. I mean who dont? Its NERVES. not lips or nose or ears. I mean, i could be having strokes. or that kind of serious $h!+. But thank god, Alhamdulillah, its just some nerve dysfunctional that isnt permanent ( I HOPE ).
Go google image Bell's Palsy and look at the images. I look exactly like that when im smiling. Yeah laugh.

Okay I need to pee. bye.

-Saturday, 5 March 2011-
- 9.30 am -