Wouldnt it be nice?

A world without grudge, hatred and ego. seems like it s impossible to achieve this. A friend of mine once said

hatred wont accompany you in the darkness. Revenge and ego wont either. But forgiveness and friendship does.

It is a fact that everyone has a little ego in themselves. It s also true that ego give you strength. give you endurance in facing problems. but it s also your biggest enemy.

Personally, i myself failed to overcome my ego. But that doesnt stop me from trying. My point is, that you need to at least try to overcome your ego. Simple rule, ego destroys relationships and friendships. Dont believe me? you ego maniac. i know deep inside you, you know that you too have been through this at least once in your life.

If a person give you advice, or complains about your attitude, take it positively.think it as.. a friend who tries to correct your grammar(attitude) in your essay(life).(dont correct my grammar). When friends complain about your attitude, or commented on your behaviour, they are actually trying to make your 'essay' better. honestly, i think this kind of people are your true friends. They dont afraid to give you advice and comment about your attitude. They stood up to correct you. It s the way to show that they are caring.

And, please, being sensitive is not bad. BUT the real illness to your mind is by being TOO sensitive. But at which part is TOO sensitive? how to determine whether of we being t0o sensitive or not? My opinion is, that when being with true friends, there is no such thing as being t0o sensitive. True friend will surely cares about each other's emotion and feelings. If one is feeling that his/her friend is abandoning him/her, he/she should just tell to 'friend' that he/she is feeling like that right away. No point hiding that feelings. As it may cause your emotion states to overload.

Apologize. Its like, a key to defuse an argument. An apology is an expression of remorse or guilt over having said or done something that is acknowledged to be hurtful or damaging, and a request for forgiveness. However, its true, that it is so hard to let go and succumb in a conflict. For me, 3 important things in apology that you must have is :

1. Sincere
2. Patience and tolerance

okay. Theres only 2.Not 3. :P

Sincere. Actually, it s fairly easy to be sincere. Be honest and stick to your words. Thats all. Also to remember, The apology is not about your guilt, your shame, your fear of rejection, your anxiety or your loneliness while waiting to be forgiven. It is about the other person.

Patience. Sometimes, people want to forgive you, or maybe already forgive you. But still, time is needed for them to cool off. IMO, whats best to do is, after apologizing, give some times for that person to ease his/her mind.

Well. Thats about it. I kinda side tracked alot there. But yeah. Not really a bad thing :)

Say bye2 to Egolomogo, and hi to forgivingnessly :)